Thursday, April 08, 2010

Writing on my diary forces me to think quite abit, and the best part is that I can jot down anything and everything whenever, wherever.

I saw this Auntie selling tissues in the morning yesterday, and this group of secondary school kids gave her a buck and didn't take the tissues. Somehow the auntie was really persistent and kept asking them to take it (even with a disappointed face at some point) but they still refused repeatedly (politely). In the end, the auntie ended up saying "you all really don't want? thanks ah girl!"

Which left me wondering, why did the auntie want them to take it so badly? (to the extent of giving a :( face) Does she not know that we want her to 'save' on the tissue costs? Or that we feel an act of kindness shoudn't come with a reward?

What would she actually be thinking/feeling when 1) people take the tissues from her ; 2) they don't. & what would be going through her mind whenever somebody donates to her? When she says 'thankyou', does she really feel happy that people are helping her, or is it just an act of courtesy? Last question, should we take the tissues from them then?

That's a whole load of questions, just wondering. My mind can get much more complicated than this and I don't know if its good or bad.

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